Photography, essays, poetry.
We are:
Writers of words
Photographers of life
Thinkers of beautiful and difficult thoughts
Lovers of life, of people, of this amazing earth and beyond.
Join us on this journey to explore lovingly, honestly, and fiercely.
We are excited to launch our site and begin sharing stories of #love #resilience #survivors among an array of subjects.
Our contributors have worked through healing and recovery and write about their personal experiences with #domesticabuse #addiction #narcissisticabuse #domesticviolence #cancer #trauma #traumaticbraininjury #neardeathexperience and more.
You’ll find photography, poetry, and essays, often in Ekphrastic-style combination where the pictures and words together illustrate the emotions collaboratively.
This site is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be used as or considered a substitute for therapy, medical attention, or other professional help. The authors make no claims of providing advice, solutions, or assistance to readers; these are personal stories of individual experiences.
FierceHorizons.com contains mature content, including violence and sexual references. The site is intended for readers ages 13 years and older.
Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. Any resemblance to other persons, living or dead, or similar events, is purely coincidental.
All content on this site is © copyright reserved and no part or excerpt may be used, duplicated, or published without express written permission by the author, creator, photographer, or FierceHorizons.com owners. Inquires may be sent to FierceHorizons (at) gmail (dot) com.